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Get Tips on Interviewing

Salt Lake County Interviewing

There are different types of interviews. Each can aid in assessing different aspects of the candidate and help ensure the right fit for the organization. Presentation, panel/group, one-on-one, skills-based, situational, telephone, and behavior based interviews are examples of different formats.

There are different types of interview questions. HR recommends behavioral based interview questions. These types of interviews allow applicants to share their past experience which may predict their future performance.


Be prepared, be on-time, prepare questions ahead of time, turn off your phone, and make the candidate feel welcome.


Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) standards require that discriminatory questions not be asked during the interview. Questions related to race, color, sex, genetic information, ethnicity, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or national origin would be discriminatory.

Previous employers, coworkers, and other references can prove to be valuable resources in understanding all that a candidate can bring with them to a new job. Per Salt Lake County Human Resource Policy 2-400 the hiring authority is to complete reference checks for any candidate for merit hire or rehire prior to making a selection. Once references are requested of the candidate use the Reference Release form.

Everyone involved in interviewing an applicant should have a copy of the questions which are asked in the interview and should score each question independently. Before the interview begins, establish the value of each score, 1-5. After the interview is complete and everyone has scored the candidate's responses, discuss the scores given collectively and decide on a final score. The process must be consistent with each candidate and it is good practice to involve the same interviewers in each applicant's interview to ensure consistency.