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Instructions & Forms

Follow the instructions that correspond to each form.

Note: the Prosecutor will notify any victims in the case (if applicable) once you have filed a Motion to Reduce Conviction. The Prosecutor and/or the victim may file with the court a statement opposing your request.

Using the Utah Courts free MyCase Service, you can track what is happening with your case and if the prosecutor has responded. Sometimes your old defense attorney is still being listed as your attorney, and the court or prosecutor sends notice to them instead of to you! Checking MyCase weekly is a great way to make sure you know what is going on in the case if this happens.

If either the Prosecutor or the victim file an opposition:

  • The court will hold a hearing at which time all parties will have an opportunity to present information and arguments.

If no opposition is filed by the Prosecutor or victim, the court may conduct a hearing on its own motion or may grant the motion without a hearing.

If a hearing is scheduled, be sure to attend or your motion will likely be denied.

After submitting the Motion to Reduce Conviction, wait 14 days for the prosecutor to respond.

  • If Prosecutor Stipulates, or you don't hear from the Prosecutor, you can proceed to Final Step.

Final Step: